Islamic Knowledge
Basic Beliefs
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Muslims believe that they practive a pure religion from God (Allah) very similar to the pure religion practiced by Abraham (peace be upon him).

Muslims recongnize that over a long period of time, God's religion before contemporary Islam, as the one sent to Abraham, underwent man-made changes over many centuries and millenia from misguided or deviant adherents. Men began adhering to various deviating sects of religion, such as can be observed in the numerious sects of Judaism and Christianity, each with many different beliefs and practices. The once pure religion became corrupted, and was not accessible to mankind as it once was.

 Muslims believe that Muhammad(peace be upon him) came as the final Messenger from God, as he was the seal of Prophethood, reviving the pure religion that came straight from God. 

Islam is a monotheistic religion. Muslims believe in the same God that Christians and Jews believe in. They believe that God has prior knowledge and determination of all events. Yet man has freedom of choice in his actions.

 Muslims believe in God's Angels, such as Gabriel. Muslims also believe in all the prophets of God. Some examples are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad(peace be upon them).

Muslims believe all of God's Holy Books: The Bible, The Torah, The Quran, The Suhuf (Book of Abraham and Moses), and The Zabur (Psalms of David). Muslims believe in the day of judgement and heaven and hell.


The Five Pillars of Islam

These five pillars are the foundation of Islamic life:

1. Proclaim that "There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger.

2. Prayer to God five times a day.

3. Pay charity to the poor.

4. Fast the month of Ramadan.

5. Make a pilgrimage(hajj) to the Ka'bah at    least once in your life if you are able to.