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The Hadith
The Hadith are the compiled sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islamic law and legislation can be found in two sources: The Holy Quran and Hadith. Here are a few hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh):
Charity and Good Deeds
  • Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said: "Every part of a person's body must perform a charity ever day the sun comes up: to act justly between two peole is charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting his belongings onto it is a charity; a good word is a charity; every step you take to prayers is a charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity."
Good Manners
  • Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said to Ashajj Abd al Qais: "You have two qualities Allah, the Most Exalted, likes and loves: One is mildness and the other is toleration."
  • A man asked the Messenger of Allah(pbuh): What in Islam is the best?' Prophet Muhammd said "To feed people and to greet everyone (with Assalamu Alaikum) whether you know them or not." 
Family and Relatives
  • A man asked the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) who amongst his near ones had the greatest right over him. The Holy Prophet replied: "Your mother." He asked, "Then who is next?" The Holy Prophet replied: "Your mother." He asked again, "Then who is next?" The Holy Prophet replied: "Your mother." He asked: "Then who is next?" The Holy Prophet replied: " Your father."
  • The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) saw a woman who had been killed in a battle, so the Holy Prophet condemned the killing of women and children.

If you would like to read more Hadiths, check out this link: